
77 | Inside the Local Jail

First off, we include an update from outside supporters of Operation PUSH, the strike in Florida prisons that is now in its fifth day. We will continue to give updates on the situation in Florida’s prisons as they arrive. After the news, we share the first part of Craig’s story, who was recently released from…

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76 | Shine A Light: Tensions Spreading in the Prisons

This week, we feature two snapshots from fast-developing situations inside the prison system. First, we share an anonymized statement from a prisoner participating in final preparations for Operation: PUSH, the statewide strike inside Florida prisons next week. Second, we broadcast an analysis by a Michigan prisoner of the recently instated mail ban there, which is…

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75 | Operation PUSH

In this week’s episode, we speak with Karen Smith in Florida, who gives us insights into Operation PUSH. Kicking off in just 10 days, Operation PUSH is a prisoner-organized work stoppage inside Florida’s sprawling Prison System. In their own words, Operation PUSH is “asking all prisoners within the Department of Corrections to take a stand…

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26 | Histories of Resistance in Ohio’s prisons

We go to the neighboring state of Ohio this week in order to dig into the history of Midwestern prison resistance. We share more of the story of Siddique Hasan – one of 5 prisoners on death row for their role in the 1994 Lucasville Uprising – as well as his organizing and his case….

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18 | Dignity in Detention, from Standing Rock to the Spanish State

Our focus this week is on Red Fawn Fallis, currently detained in North Dakota after her arrest on October 27, at the Standing Rock Sioux Reservation. We speak to a member of the International Indigenous Youth Council- and longtime friend of hers, Mia Stevens, about Red Fawn’s situation. We hear updates on the ongoing repression…

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10 | The YIMBY Episode

Welcome to the YIMBY episode: Yes In My Backyard. We focus on some positive projects in our area that affect those experiencing incarceration, addiction, and poverty. We have updates on the National Prison Strike, read a letter from an inmate in the Monroe County Jail, and hear letters from prisoners requesting friends in the form…

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8 | Dear Marius

We begin our show with updates on the National Prison Strike, and then devote the entire episode to Marius Mason, a friend and former Bloomington resident currently serving a 22 year sentence for acts of ecological defense. We hear messages from people to and about Marius, listen to some of Marius’s music and poetry, and…

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7 | National Prison Strike Updates

This week on Kite Line, we follow up on what’s happening nationally and internationally in regards to actions for the National Prison strike, both on the inside and outside. We talk to a supporter of Kara Wild, a US trans woman who is currently being held indefinitely in a French jail. We report on call-in requests from…

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6 | The National Prison Strike

In this episode, we focus on the September 9th National Prison Strike. We hear the Free Alabama Movement’s initial call for the strike, learn a bit about prison labor and Whole Foods, get an update on Siddique Hasan’s ongoing hunger strike, and talk with people involved in organizing against a proposed prison in Letcher County,…

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5 | Bend the Bars

This week, we recorded at Bend The Bars, a conference in Columbus, Ohio, that brought together former prisoners, various organizations, and people who are interested in prisoner support. First off, we read a letter from an inmate at the Monroe County Jail. We learn about the upcoming September 9th National Prison Strike, speak with attendees…

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